I've used adwords, and I got to say it's worth it.  Much better then
overture.  I made money on a consistent basis with adwords, and only lost
money so far everytime I tried overture.  

Just my $0.02

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barthle, Robert (Contractor) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:56 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: SEO Tools
> Has anyone used Google AdWords? I'm running a real estate website for my
> mother (shameless plug: www.bettybarthle.com) and I have to help her
> decide on what kind of a web-promotion budget she needs. Any hints or tips
> would be useful. This was one of the areas I was looking at.
> I looked up some SEO's and they wanted $3k a year for their services.
> After reading all this, it sounds like I'm better off doing it on my own.
> Just got to do it smartly.
> I'd like to get her highly placed in the keyword search "Northern Virginia
> Real Estate" as an example.
> Also does anyone know if it's worth paying the $350 to get on the Yahoo!
> directory?
> thanks
> -r
> _____________________________________
> Rob Barthle
> Contractor - Sr. Software Developer
> 202-245-6484

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