On 3/9/06, Munson, Jacob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Plus I've heard that CFEclipse
> > doesn't have a "browse" tab like Homesite does, and I do use
> > that from
> > time to time when I'm working on layouts and such.
> CFE does have a built-in browser, but I don't think it's a slick as in
> HomeSite.  It's been a while since I used HS, but if I remember right
> you can just click browse, and the current file shows up.  In CFE it's
> more like a standard web browser.  You can view the file you're editing,
> but I don't think it's as automatic.  You'd have to browse to it like in
> a normal web browser.  However, you /can/ set a homepage for each
> project, which makes things a bit faster.

Its really no different since in HS+ you had to tell it the path to browse
to for a file - I forget the details now but you dedicated HS'ers will know
what I'm referring to! CFE now lets you browse to the current page in the
browser pane (within the IDE) or opens an external browser window. You can
configure it to use your default browser or Firefox or IE as required.

Mike T
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