Hi there,
I´ve got a problem with the cfqueryparam-tag.

I create a string with a sql-statement within a cfscript-block. After that I
create an object and call the function to run the query. That looks like
my_sql = "select  #application.Prod["txt"]#                     PROD_TXT
                from    #application.Tables["prod"]#                    
                Join    #application.Tables["subs_pgrp"]#       on
(#application.SubsPgrp["oid"]# = #application.Prod["subs_pgrp_oid"]#)
                Join    #application.Tables["prod_grp"]#                on
(#application.ProdGrp["oid"]# = #application.SubsPgrp["pgrp_oid"]#)
                Join    #application.Tables["prod_grp_name"]#   on
(#application.ProdGrpName["poid"]# = #application.ProdGrp["oid"]#)
                Join    #application.Tables["dept"]#            on
(#application.Dept["oid"]# = #application.ProdGrp["dept_oid"]#)
                Join    #application.Tables["dept_name"]#       on
(#application.DeptName["poid"]# = #application.Dept["oid"]#)
        where   #application.Prod["oid"]#                       =
                AND     #application.ProdGrpName["cabbr"]#      =
                AND     #application.DeptName["cabbr"]#         =
objSql  = createObject("component", "common.util.Database");
get_data = objSql.runPreparedQuery(my_sql);

In the function I replace the locumtenency by the cfqueryparam-tag and run
the query:
<cffunction name="runPreparedQuery" ...>
         myNewSql = replace(arguments.mySql, "[CHAR]", chr(60)&"cfqueryparam
value="&chr(34), "All");
         myNewSql = replace(myNewSql, "[/CHAR]", chr(34)& "
cfsqltype="&chr(34)&"CF_SQL_VARCHAR"&chr(34)&chr(62), "All");
<cfquery name="queryResult" datasource="#dbName#" username="#dbUser#"
<cfreturn queryResult />

Although the sql-string looks correct if I dump it and it works if I copy it
directly into the cfquery-tag it throws an database-error in the way I use

Any ideas???

I use CF MX7 and a db2-database

Thanks a lot in advance,

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