In a nutshell, you should create your working directory that contains
all your source (CFML and Java), along with any configuration stuff. 
That's what you will be checking in and out of CVS (though I'd
recommend checking out Subversion instead; it's newer, more feature
rich, and easier to use).  For deployment, you might be able to set up
Eclipse's autodeploy features, but I think that because you're
deploying to CF standalone, you'll have to do it manually with an Ant
task.  Set it up to copy your CFML to the web root, and compile, jar,
and copy your Java classes to CF's WEB-INF/lib directory, and then
restart CF.  Then you can just hit the 'build' button when you want to
push a change, and it'll all magically happen for you.  I believe you
can get around the "restart CF" part with JRun's automatic class
reloading, but I've never tried it, so I can't say for sure.

Not very in-depth, but hopefully that'll give you a push in the right direction.


On 3/28/06, Joelle Tegwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to get started using ColdFusion and I'm having trouble
> figuring out where to start. We're using CF as a ramp up to Java and I
> would like to use Java Classes for the big project that I'm going to be
> building as soon as I figure out what I'm doing. (I've got a simple
> little time tracking application that I'm building to learn cf)
> I'm/we're using CF standard edition, Eclipse and CVS (CVSNT is running
> on the server) on Windows XP. (if any of that matters)
> I've done a huge amount of google searching and I just can't figure out
> the meshing of these technologies. (Maybe I need to add something to the
> mix like ant?)
>  From what I've read
> (,
> Java classes need to be in the jdk folder, but it would really be a pain
> to have to move files around every time I make a change. I want to have
> all of the classes for my project in the same workspace (and preferably
> project) as the rest of the code, but then how do I deploy all of this?
> Then what do I do when I commit? How do I make this happen?
> Are there tricks for quickly developing Java files (in a CF project) in
> Eclipse?
> I'm happy to go read if someone's got a good explanation, I'm just
> looking for a push in the right direction.
> Any help on any of these things would be much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joelle

Barney Boisvert

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