Man... How does one get to work on your team, Pete? :)

> Let me give you my own personal experience, it might help.

> 6 years ago, I was the manager of a small (5 person) web
> design group
> at a medium-sized software company.  At the time, I had
> about equal
> experience with ASP and CF.

> My team was great -- young, enthusiastic, willing to
> learn...but all
> they knew was HTML (except for one, who could modify a .pl
> mailer
> script and that was about it).  The challenge?  I was
> tasked with
> converting our then-antiquated web site from static HTML
> to something
> dynamic and hopefully content-managed.

> I discussed the chellenges facing us with my team, and
> presented the
> viable options - jsp, php, asp, cf.  We looked at code
> examples from
> each together and narrowed the pack down to ASP (because
> of its market
> relevance) and CF (because it was familiar to a person who
> knew HTML
> with an understanding of the words "if" and "else" :)

> I took my two most enthusiastic and promising individuals
> and gave
> them a one-day coding challenge; I would create a
> database, they would
> need to create interfaces that would insert, update,
> delete, and
> display that data.  One would use ASP, the other would use
> CF.  For
> the record, I put the person who was probably the smarter
> of the two
> on the ASP project, and I bought each of them a good book
> to study the
> night before so they could have some familiarity.

> We started at 9AM the next day.  The person who was using
> CF finished
> the task in three hours; the person who was using ASP was
> still
> working on it at 4:30PM.  The next day, ASP guy came in
> and said
> "screw it, I want to try this with CF".  He completed the
> task in
> about 2.5 hours.  As a group, we made the decision then
> and there to
> go with CF.

> Over the next several weeks, I held daily brown bag lunch
> sessions
> where we sat in a conference room and I went over best
> practices, some
> SQL basics, and went into some CF intricacies.  Within a
> couple of
> months, I felt that the entire team was proficient in CF,
> with one or
> two showing true talent.  We never looked back from there.

> Pete

s. isaac dealey     434.293.6201
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