Quite right.  MX is much closer to PCRE than earlier versions.  And
the syntax for what it supports is reasonably consistent with Perl,
PHP and even JavaScript.  Particularly the character classes (\s, \w,
\b, etc.) and character literals (\n, \r, \t).

On 3/30/06, Ben Doom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CF5 was POSIX only.  CF6+ is ... not quite PCRE, but pretty close.
> --Ben
> Rob Wilkerson wrote:
> > I wanted to mention another book yesterday, but didn't have it nearby
> > to be sure I got it right.  "Regular Expression Recipes A
> > Problem-Solution Approach" is also a very good book for quickly
> > referencing solutions to very specific problems.  It focuses on PCRE
> > regex rather than the POSIX regex that CF supports, but there are
> > enough elements in common that it's worth the investment even if you
> > only care about CF support.

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