Hey Rich, how are things at Site?

I think "sessions" is the wrong label for this (although I could be
wrong) :) -- I believe scope_identity() works on the "batch", whereas
an open session for example in Query Analyzer can execute multiple
batches. I think CF Server in particular only creates one session at a
time for each DSN and then executes all queries within that same
session and each cfquery tag pair is a new batch.

> In MS SQL I've seen two ways to handle returning the last
> inserted primary
> key:

>       INSERT INTO t_doctors (#ColNames#)
>       VALUES (#preserveSingleQuotes(ColValues)#);

>       SELECT  SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS newpkey;

> This will return the last inserted primary key for the
> current scope
> (session), so there is no concern of race conditions.

>       INSERT INTO t_doctors (#ColNames#)
>       VALUES (#preserveSingleQuotes(ColValues)#);

>       SELECT  @@identity AS newpkey;

> While this will return the last inserted primary key
> across scopes
> (sessions).  Using @@identity will leave you open to
> potential problems with
> race conditions.

> This is from information I've read in the BOL as well as
> been informed from
> our DBA.  I can say that when using SCOPE_IDENTITY() I've
> never found any
> errors under load, but if anyone else has any input I'd
> love to hear it.

> Rich Kroll
> Application Developer

s. isaac dealey     434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework


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