Right.  The problem is not that the developer is going to do a SQL
injection, it's that Hackers on a public facing site will.  DB2, Oracle
and others don't allow two queries in one statement to stop things like
what Ben Forta demonstrates in this blog post:

That said, SQL Inject attacks /can/ be prevented by doing proper data
cleaning for all queries that use values generated by outsiders (URL
params, forms, etc.)  I'm just saying that Oracle, DB2 and the others
prefer to prevent things at the database level, rather than putting the
security burden on the developer.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: S.Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:56 AM
> The 2nd query won't allow anyone to perform a sql injection attack
> against the database, although it's possible that using #ColNames# or
> #preserveSingleQuotes(ColValues)# in this example might.
> > Keep in mind that most other databases (besides SQL
> > Server) don't allow
> > you to send two queries with at once like this.  It's very
> > insecure,
> > because of sql injection possibilities.  But since you
> > guys are all
> > talking about MS SQL, this works fine.  :)
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 9:03 PM
> >>
> >> You are correct.
> >>
> >> Moreover, a better solution would be something like this
> >> (assuming SQL Server):
> >>
> >> <cftransaction>
> >>        <cfquery name="qInsertData"
> >>        datasource="#APPLICATION.dsn#">
> >>                INSERT INTO t_doctors (#ColNames#)
> >>                VALUES
> >>                (#preserveSingleQuotes(ColValues)#);
> >>                SELECT  SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS newpkey;
> >>        </cfquery>
> >> </cftransaction>

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