On 4/8/06, Paul Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denny Valliant wrote:
> > added it when they added cfdocument, neh? It would be nice if they
> > contributed back the code for HTML > PDF. Not that I'm one to talk,
> > obviously.  You won't find a blog entry documenting my experiences. :-)

i'm not sure what you're referring to. html to pdf is itext & in fact mm did
> contribute some fixes, etc. back to the project (cfdocument simplifies
> things
> immensely) . bruno even pointed that out as an example of the "why &
> wherefore"
> of opensource's benefiting from commercial projects.

mmf mfmmf ffmmfm- excuse me, had a foot in my mouth.

Well colour me embarrased, I did not know that.

After messing with various HTML > PDF generators, I was really impressed
with the cfdocument tag.  As I didn't see anything even close to as good as
cfdocument, I assumed it was closed-source, so to speak.  I'm glad they
contributed fixes and didn't just mooch, unlike myself for the most part.

I never read bruno and the "why & wherefore".  I like the symbiotic
that has developed with OS and $$ tho.  Sorta bound to happen, if'n ya ask

There isn't a OS java app that converts html as well as cfdocument does by
any chance, is there? If it did flashpaper that would be a plus... ;-)

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