> The comment I forgot to make in that post was that really I think the
> trick is to find handfull of technologies you like that are on the
> up-swing (since they all rise and fall) and stick with them as long as
> you can. This should make it easier to add other complementary skills
> as the demand for them increases and mitigate the risks involved in
> devaluation of any individual skill as a result of increased supply or
> waning demand. As an individual I'm personally probably more invested
> in ColdFusion than anything else, potentially over-invested actually.

Ok. But your heavy involvement in CF perpetuates it as well.

> I guess we shouldn't be to reliant on computers,
> > neh? (-:
> My opinions on that subject tend to be pretty unpopular. :)

Swinging  to what side? More so or less?

> I still put forth that generated code is generated code,
> > why shy away from generated code? So long as it's well
> > formatted (don't look at me, you saw my regex ;) you
> > should be ok, I recon.
> It's a question of who's generating it and why. :)
> To me the fact that my coldfusion templates or CFC's are generated
> Java is transparent. I know it's there, but I don't have to care too
> much about what's being generated, beyond knowing that it is generated
> and having some understanding of the problems that can be caused by
> that.

Well, maybe if the optimization is as swell as it's said to be.  I can't
help but feel that even as smart as computers are, there are areas
that a human could see a "pattern" before the computer could. Or
whatever. Guess the argument about optimization has some validity,
yet I can't help see history repeat itself. Every few years there's this
idea that it doesn't matter, we're getting bigger, faster processors,
more RAM, etc.. Yet the real idea is to conserve energy. Sorta.
I guess make less go further.  That's never going to change, no matter
how much power there is. It's the nature of power - corruption and
responsibility aside.

You may have seen this, but I liked it alot:

well be. Thus a sweeping change would need to occur in each bean or
> require a change to the generator and a re-build of its generated
> code. I personally find it easier to simply create objects which are
> flexible enough to not require generation and use composition or
> inheritance to allow me to make sweeping changes. The sweeping change
> then is a line or two of code, instead of a larger modification to the
> generator and a rebuild.

So what, you use the root java "object"? ;-) Seriously, you have to store
the information somewhere -  I don't know of any ESP generated code.

I get what you're saying tho (as much as I'm able. Concepts!=use).
I really dig the ideas encapsulated in "The Pragmatic Programmer".

Good stuff, doesn't matter what language. All old-hat for most I'm sure,
but I'd sorta been through the "bad" that knowledge helps avoid, and
I liked the analogies/stories.  Nice having it all in that format.

> But that's coming from someone who, using line breaks and
> > MS Word, smashed several hundred pages of mish-mash into
> > a C^HSV. They weren't commas, so I deleted the C, see?
> > :P  It would be a dream to get a bunch of pragmatically
> > generated documents compared to that.  Programs you can
> > reverse engineer, whatnot. People are so random, sorta.
> > [...]
> Ya lost me. :)

Sorta saying it's all data, but some data is much easier to parse
than other data is. By "much" I mean astronomically.

> Or it is, but that whole butterfly in Tibet or
> > whatever, ya know? The right thing at the right
> > time, and bang, you're father of some type of
> > legacy. And conversely, some other legacy never
> > occurs.
> I'm familar with the concept of the "butterfly effect", although I'm
> not certain what connection you were trying to make.

I guess...  that there is an element of randomness in evolution.
Yet at the same time I'm saying we have a stake in our destiny,
so... bleh. doesn't make sense 'cept generally. if then. :)

In practice the cf-community list mostly talks about politics.

This more fun. If it bugs anyone, I'll try to keep it more CF

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