> I think the problem lies in the step where was I supposed to 
> "restore" all the files that were modified by the Flex 
> Connector Update.
> I just copied my backed up wsconfig.jar over the new one.
> Anyway, I don't' know what to do, if I should just uninstall 
> and reinstall CF.  Or if there's a way to fix this.

The wsconfig.jar file is just the installer for the web server configuration
files. You will need to rerun the correct wsconfig.jar to reconnect CF with
your web server. Depending on what you've already done, you may need to
rerun the other wsconfig.jar to delete existing web server configuration
stuff first. 

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information!

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