Here is part of the code I use to create emails that are sent out monthly.
I have removed a lot of code, queries and more of the msg being build, but
this should give you an idea.
By no means is this the best example .
But it does work:

<CFOUTPUT query="Qgetteaminfo" group="team">
-----------------Part of the msg being
        <CFSET msg ="For Team Members with Fewer than #holdmaxhours# logged
for period. #chr(13)##chr(10)# #chr(13)##chr(10)#">
        <CFSET msg = msg & "Team:">
                <CFSET msg = msg & "Team Member:

        --------Adds to msg-------------------------
        <CFIF noaction EQ "true">
                        <CFSET msg = msg  &"All Personnel on your team have
logged the required minimum hours for the reporting

CFMAIL here -----<BR>

<cfmail to="emial1" from="fromemail" subject="Logged Hours for Month of:
#mon#" >
                The listed below individuals have logged the indicated hours
to I3MP for the Month of: #mon# #dyear#.
                Please confirm accuracy and provide response NLT 10 days
from receipt.
                Negative response indicates agreement with the hours
reported in this email. 
                DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Sheehan-Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:42:01 -0400
Subject: Re: Evaluate vs ?

> Sometimes I send out emails through my system which dynamically 
> generate the content from variables:
> example:
> Last year you gave $#lsnumberformat(lastyear, "9.99")# to support our 
> work. This year we hope you'll give $#lsnumberformat(lastyear*2, 
> "9.99")#.
> My mailer routine uses evaluate against the string to parse out those 
> values, then it is sent out via cfmail inside a loop. If Evaluate() 
> isn't recommended, is there a better way to do this?  Typically this 
> type of mailing might go out to 10 or 12 thousand emails at once.
> On 4/18/06 1:29 PM, "Nick de Voil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Is there a time when evaluate should be used?
> > 
> > If you want to dynamically build an unpredictable string which
> contains
> > logic, rather than just variable names, then afaik you can only
> invoke the
> > logic using Evaluate(). But then again, that's not something that
> people
> > need to do very often.
> > 
> > Nick
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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