On Wednesday 19 April 2006 14:38, RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote:
> Number one peeve: Can't pass java objects you created yourself to an EJB
> in a different application on the same server: MX uses the classloader

You couldn't do that even if it was two JSP apps, if they were in different 
J2EE application contexts, could you ?

> Also, there's some kind of issue with memory not being released when you
> redeploy cf - do it enough times and bang, out of memory error. Which

We don't see that here- our memoray graph is fairly flat with time.
I assume asking you if you are up to date with O/S, WL and CF patches is 
obvious ?

> Then, there's the occasional null pointer exception being thrown from
> the middle of code you haven't touched in donkey's years. solution:
> bounce the app or better yet, the server. Thank god that only happens in
> dev... so far.

Does it look like:
Thread Stack Trace:
    at mmGetObjectSize+8()@0x40298908
    at mmGetPossibleMovedObjectSize+26()@0x40298942
    at setAsLastObj+31()@0x40292313
    at findNext+205()@0x402923f1
    at findNextToReturn+24()@0x40292430
    at refIterGetNext+40()@0x402924a0
    at trProcessRootsForThread+92()@0x40290a2c
    at tsMarkAllRootsForThread+44()@0x40307040
    at mmGenCon1ThreadInspection+30()@0x4029fc32
    at tsDoGCInspectionForAllThreads+55()@0x40306f9b
    at mmGenCon1ProcessThreadRoots+24()@0x4029fc50
    at mmGenConMark+43()@0x402a0453
    at mmConMark+48()@0x4029f7c4
    at mmGCMainEP+80()@0x4029b058 

by any chance ?
We're getting that for some reason on *one* of the dev machines.

> My opinion: i just don't see what *real* benefits you get from the J2EE
> configuration; i'm sure that the adobe/macromedia marketing department
> finds it very useful to sell into big companies on the "Enterprise"
> ticket, but my suggestion would be to stick with enterprise on JRUN

In our case, we wanted to make use of some of the Weblogic stuff, like (if you 
write your own authenticator) protecting the web site and Java-base web 
services with the same set of roles and users.
We also use WLs JMS queues, for instance.

But, yeah, 90% of people will be fine with running it on Jrun, or, hell 
JBoss :-)


Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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