> Neil: Polling every fifteen minutes is an enormous waste of 
> CPU and bandwidth... for both you and the source sites. For 
> example, if you're aggregating individual blogs, once every 
> 24 hours will cover the vast majority just fine.

I disagree.  RSS was originally built as a solution to provide near
real-time updates on a site.  Fullasagoog polls every 15 minutes, not
sure how often MXNA does it.  RSS load is a common problem for website
admins, but I don't ever hear people saying "I need to stop my visitors
from hitting my site so often", but rather "I need to find a way to deal
with the load."  I know that was a problem for SlashDot when they first
released RSS for their site.  But again, they didn't try to limit the
traffic but rather dealt with the load.  If I were using an RSS reader
(like the squirrel), and it didn't tell me about an update for 24 hours,
I'd find a different reader.


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