yeah, it is custom coding, but isn't all your business logic going to be
custom code?  What if you are required to have a start date, but your end
date could be open ended.  There's really not an easy way to automate that
kind of logic.

Rails can make that kind of code easier I believe.  Say you only want that
validation to work on an update.

def validate_on_update


def validate_on_create

Here's another deal.  In my number fields, I'll let people enter commas. In
my model I'll add:

def before_save()
   self.price = self.price_before_type_cast.gsub(",","").to_i

Rails un-complicates things for me.  I know where things need to go and I
know the place for them.  In rails, I have a model.  In CF and the best
practices, you've got a model, a dao, a gateway, a transfer object, and a
bean.  "Should a bean have a persist method?", "Does the model contain the
validation logic or should my bean have it?", "What should my dao return, an
object or a query?".....I consistently see these types of questions floating
about in CF-land.  In CF, it might be an object you get back, it might be a
query.  In Rails, I get back an array of objects or maybe just one object.
That's a lot easier for me to deal with.  When I change a field in the db, I
know that every object based on that table will now have that new field.  I
won't have to go into a dao, add the field to each query, go into the
gateway, add the field to each query, edit the bean, add the field to the
bean, etc.

But, I know where you're coming from.  I've been doing CF pretty much
exclusively from 98 or 99 until last year.  I'd still pick CF over most
every other technology.

On 4/19/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > it's not amazing, but in the model you would add
> >
> > def validate
> >  errors.add(:start_date,"should be earlier than  end_date") unless
> > start_date.nil? || start_date < end_date
> > end
> Exactly....right back to custom coding.
> So although that is a hair less code than the equivalent in's not
> so
> much better/faster/sexier/cheaper that I'm going to change the way I do
> things
> today....I will of course keep an eye on it and see how it evolves.
> Cheers
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> phone: 250.480.0642
> fax: 250.480.1264
> cell: 250.920.8830
> web:

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