<cfloop list="#ldap.ColumnList#" index="column">
        <cfset thisColumn="#column#">
        <cfset args["#thisColumn#"]=ldap["#thisColumn#"] />
        <cfoutput>#args[thisColumn]#</cfoutput> <!--- for debugging ---> 

You are missing the row value of the ldap query.  Thus your are not getting to 
the value of the field.

When accessing a query with the structure syntax it is queryname[column][row].

So try using ldap[thisColumn][1], you do not need the quotes and pound signs.  
Also, only use this when you know you have at least one row, and that the first 
row is the one you want.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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---------  Binary Soduko
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"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

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