Hi all,

Am I correct in saying that the IIf function and the <cfif> tag work 
differently on the following scenerio. In the CFIF tag, when the CFIF fails it 
will "jump over" the code which follows until a CFELSEIF, CFELSE or CFIF.
Here's an example:
The cfif failed so this text is not run. More to the point this code is not 
run, <cfquery>KILL DATABASE</cfquery>
Where as with the IIf function, CF will still test that the code for both the 
true and false cases will work? This is dumb, because the whole point for an IF 
is to check that you will have everything you need to run the code when it 
returns true.
:::CFIF eg:::
<cfif IsDefined("foo">
<cfset foo = foo+1>
:::IIf eg:::

Any thoughts?

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