Do they want something that just shows the tracks... or do they want 
something where a website visitor could actually watch a race? There's a 
huge difference between the whole Wrigley field webcam - images updated 
every 60 seconds and streaming video of a Cubs game.


Neal Bailey wrote:
> Sorry hope I am not taking over this thread but I have a similar thing I
> need to do... It's not for meetings exactly but for Motorsport Races. One of
> my Clients owns a Private Country Club but instead of playing Golf they Race
> Exotic Sports cars on one of three tracks. I developed their website and now
> the owner would like to have a steaming webcam setup that points at each
> track to show the activity to the website visitors. Does anyone have any
> suggestions on the best way to achieve this? I am not sure what his
> bandwidth is out there but he said he had a full T1 but I find that a lot of
> times people don't really know what they have and it turns out to be
> something much slower. But let's say he does have good upstream bandwidth
> what system that you know of would do this?
> Thanks for any suggestions... 
> - Neal Bailey
> -  
> -   
> -  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:49 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Web Cam
> On 5/3/06, Eric Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Netmeeeting probably
> I wouldn't waste much time on might be ok for internal
> use on your campus network, but you have to have some serious holes in
> your firewall to use it externally...and even then it isn't easy
> (especially with NAT).  Also it has been pretty effectively neutered
> in is still there, but you have to know the executable name to
> find it, and it doesn't have what it needs by default to do video
> capture anymore.
> Of course, having shot that down, I don't have a better solution to
> offer you if you want it in real time...but if not, you might just
> upload video files of the meetings to something like youtube or google
> video.  Little or no security...but cost effective.
> --
> Jim Wright
> Wright Business Solutions
> 919-417-2257

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