I don't think you can. CF is case-insensitive for one thing.

It looks like case MIGHT be preserved in CGI.QUERY_STRING. So you could
try the following:

<cfloop list="#CGI.QUERY_STRING#" delimiter="&" index="keyvalue">
        <cfoutput>#listFirst(keyvalue,"=")# =

A couple of problems with that, of course:

- Any URL variables you've explicitly set (such as with cfparam) or
removed won't be accounted for.
- You need to care for instances when there is a key but no value.

Why do you need to see your URL variables in their original case?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tuan Tran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 11:35 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: URL Structure

Hi Everybody,

I'm trying to get the name/value pair from url variables.  Lets say I
have a url like this:


Now if I do the following I'll get the name/value pair of the URL vars:

<cfloop collection=#url# item="urlVar">
  <cfoutput>#urlVar# = #url[urlVar]#</cfoutput><br /> </cfloop>

My problem is the name element doesn't keep the same case as the actualy
url variable name.  Src and storyID gets displayed as SRC and STORYID in
the output.  How can I keep the case the same when I loop thru the URL

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