Quoting Mark Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


That method works great if you have all text fields, or dropdowns, or textareas.
But what if you have a raxio button or a checkbox? How do you indicate if a
field is required? How do you perform validation on fields of a certain type?

I'm writing something that is a point and shoot. Type out some lines of XML
following the supplied pattern and it will build the form for you AND process
it as well.


> Andy Matthews wrote:
> > CFMAIL is a form handler, but it does require a moderate amount of coding
> to
> > send the values of specific form fields to the recipient. What I'm talking

> > about is something that you could use as a processing page for ANY form
> you
> > create. You'd never need to touch the processing script at all, just set
> up
> > the form and point it at the handler.
> Hi Andy
> I may be misunderstanding something here, so correct me if I'm wrong, 
> but can't you just loop over the form collection inside cfmail? As far 
> as the cfmail variables go, I usually have a globals file and set my 
> email variables in that:
> <cfset server_mail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />
> <cfset admin_mail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />
> <cfset webmaster_mail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />
> When you want to process a form that requires mailing, attach the 
> subject to the form submission url...
> <form method="post" action="processForm.cfm?subject=Form Subject">
>   or if you're using a framework this can obviously be done elsewhere 
> (if it's fusebox, inside the fuseaction, for instance).
> Then the following should be able to hand most email submissions without 
> the need for hardcoding.
> <cfmail from="#server_mail#" to="#admin_mail#" subject="#subject#">
>    <cfloop item="formfield" collection="#form#">
>    <cfif formfield NEQ "fieldnames" AND Trim(Len(formfield))>
>      #formfield# :  #form[formfield]#
>    </cfif>
>    </cfloop>
> </cfmail>
> Code not tested but this should give you the general idea.
> Adieu
> Mark

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