When I started with web stuff we ran linux for our mail server and NT for
our CF server and this was back in 1996 or so.  We stayed with Linux for
many years and eventually went to FBSD which still have one FBSD box up and
running for email/dns needs.  Learned the hard way how to secure linux
boxes, just was not a whole lot of information and tools back then.  That
hard way ended up costing a bit of man hours.  Honestly can not recall the
windows boxes ever being brought down by some exploit.  I am sure they did
here and there but were probably so minor or easy to resolve that my memory
is not recalling them right now.

Any OS can be made secure and I'd argue most can be made stable.  It is a
matter of how much time someone wants to invest in learning things and
applying that knowledge.  Just from my personal experience it seems there
are a lot more "weekend sysadmins" out there who invest very limited effort
into getting things up and going and making sure they are staying in that
mode.  For those people I think Windows is a much better option but a lot of
them I think go to Linux out of hatred.

On 5/9/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amen Aaron!
> I'm a Windows user (yes I've used Linux as well...not knocking it...prefer
> to
> stick with Windows)......number of serious hacks since
> 1995....1...NIMDA...caused absolutley no damage (man I can feel the
> universe
> coming to get me after saying this one).....all it did was self-replicate
> because Zone Alarm wouldn't let it out to the Net to screw other folks.
> So it can be done ;-)
> Cheers

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