One book I found really helpful was "Just Java 2"

Readable, really discusses the concepts of OOP and I found it really
easy to follow and understand.  Java-centric, of course, but a good

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:46 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: SOT: OOD/Design Patterns and ColdFusion.
> I guess I just do not have a natural OOP/OOD/OOA type mind.  I get a
> basic object and its purpose to encapsulate data and functionality.  But
> as soon as I try to start putting objects together to build a system, I
> quickly get lost in a quagmire.  This usually results in my falling back
> to my procedural experience, peppered with a small object or two, to get
> the current task done by my deadline.
> So can anybody point out a good resource or ten on how to actually
> program with object and patterns.  Everything I have found to date seems
> to be geared on selling the why one should program this way and are very
> light on the how one actually writes the code.
> Conversely, if I can pick the minds of this group, maybe somebody can
> give me some pointers on how one would solve a common web requirement
> with objects/cfcs.  This would be a basic admin task of showing a list
> of items allowing for the adding and editing of these items with data
> validation and the storage of the data in a database.
> I hear terms like beans, DAO's, MVC patterns ect.  But I can't figure
> out how to even start coding all this.
> I suppose that one could just pick a framework that uses all this.  But
> I would feel much more comfortable with choosing among the growing list
> of frameworks if I had a clearer understanding of the basics.
> Thanks in advance.

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