thanks mike, i will look over these in am.

Don't worry, it WONT be running on iis, you should know that by now!! haha

~Dave the disruptor~ 

From: "Mike Kear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 3:24 AM
To: CF-Talk <>
Subject: Re: model-glue on shared servers 

The docs for Model-Glue and for Reactor lag behind the product somewhat.
It's a struggle to keep them in synch with the product because it's moving
ahead so fast.

I dont want to rehash the VERY LONG thread that went on the Reactor list a
while back, but I'll give you a brief synopsis ....

 - For running Reactor on a shared server ... DO NOT make a mapping
 called "Reactor" despite what the docs say.
 - Put the Reactor core files in a folder of their own under the web
 root. DO NOT put them any lower than that (i.e. dont put them in a
 folder wwwroot/admin/reactor they MUST go in wwwroot/reactor. It is this
 folder that will contain reactorFactory.cfc)
 - Make a folder where you want Reactor to create it's
 application-specific auto-generated files. This folder can be anywhere
 within your site, e.g. wwwroot/cfcs/reactordata
 - Create a ColdFusion mapping (or ask your sysadmin to do it) pointing
 to this location. The docs suggest to call it "/myApplicationData" but you
 can call it whatever you like.

If you are using Reactor in your WindowsXPPRo using IIS5.1, you can only
have one site. You can still have reactor running, but there is quite a
lot of complicatoin having several versions. So if you think you might have
several versions of Reactor on your system (e.g. different development
periods and therefore using a later rev of Reactor on one site) I strongly
suggest not using IIS. I changed to Apache for this reason and it made a
great many things easier.

So .. supposing you decided to stick with WindowsXPPro and IIS5.1 ... ok
here's what you have to do ...

 - You will no doubt have a folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MySIte1 which
 contains the files for your site called MySIte1.
 - DO NOT put your reactor files in the folder
 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MySIte1\Reactor, which the Docs seem to say, but if you
 read carefully they dont.
 - Put your reactor files in the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot\reactor\
 i.e OUTSIDE the folders relating to your site MySite1. (this means
 you can only have one copy of Reactor running at a time on your WInXP
 machine - there are apparently ways to have different copies but I never
 figured that out)
 - Create the folder for the auto-generated application files INSIDE
 your site MySite1, and to take the example above your folder will be
 - Create a ColdFusion mapping pointing to this folder. The docs
 suggest to call it "/myApplicationData" but you can call it whatever you
 - When you upload your site to the shared server, you will need to
 upload BOTH the files in MySite1 AND those in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\reactor
 tree. These will be INSIDE your site on the shared server.

This has been written from memory, so I hope it's correct in every
detail. But I can testify that it works on a shared server, but you have
to make sure you dont have a coldfusion mapping called Reactor anywhere, or
that's where the reactor will be run from, not from the files in your own

Similar principle applies to ModelGlue.

The key is NOT to have a mapping called "/Reactor" despite what the docs
say. If the reactor folder is underneath the root of the site, it'll work,
believe me. I had it pounded into me hard enough on the Reactor list,
and I've verified it in my own experience. Hopefully the docs will be able
to catch up soon. There's a new version 2 of Model-Glue coming out soon,
and everyone (including me) would rather have the effort go into getting the
new version going properly than have it delayed waiting for documentation
for version 1.x updated. Same with reactor. Doug Hughes is up to his
armpits in things to do, and most of us would rather he spend his time
working on the product than the docs.

Of course the docs cant wait for ever, and eventually they'll get so far
behind the product they're worthless, but for now most of us working with
Model-Glue and Reactor have figured out the quirks and are leaning in favour
of development rather than documentation for now.

I hope this helps.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On 5/22/06, dave  wrote:

> I havent tried it yet (reactor) but my first thoughts were (on it and
> multi-model-glues) "how is sean doing it"
> On reactor I was reading the docs late last night and this is what it says
> Configuring Mappings
> Once you've downloaded Reactor you will need to make a mapping named
> "/Reactor" which points to the /Reactor directory you downloaded. The
> reactorFactory component should be in the root of the "/Reactor" path.
> Note: You do need to name this mapping "/Reactor". Renaming this mapping
> will cause problems.
> Can only feasably do 1 mapping name per server, per instructions but not
> like I wont break any rules
> ~Dave the disruptor~

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