I have a query calling on data in multiple tables. The database is MS
Access. Here is the query that I am using

SELECT  p.name, p.product_id, p.content_id, p.creationdate, h.hits AS hits,
h.clickthroughs AS clicks, s.pagetitle, s.parent, c.pagetitle AS category 
FROM Products p, Product_Hits h, ContentPages s, ContentPages c
p.Status = 1 AND 
p.product_id = h.product_id AND 
p.content_id = s.content_id AND 
s.parent = c.content_id
ORDER BY #sortorder#

All the data is returned fine accept that The HITS and CLICKS if there is
not HIT available for a particular product in the PRODUCT_HITS table, then
that product does not show up. I could break this into tow separate queries
except that I need to be able to dynamically change the sort order.

Basically I need to list all of the products even if there has been not HIT
record created for it. Is this possible using a single query?

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