I have to wonder what one does if they have a CF server that requires more
than 1.8gb RAM for the JVM,  say u have some big heavy site sthat do a lot
of caching of big files/queries?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dante Orlando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 May 2006 19:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: MaxHeapSize + MaxPermSize

Thanks for all of your replies. First of all, I was really just looking for
the "whys" rather than any particular recommendation on what values to set
these params to. As far as the permanent generation being part of the heap,
I have been able to verify that the permenent generation (i.e. -XX:PermSize
and -XX:MaxPermSize) is *separate* from the object heap (i.e. -Xms and
-Xmx). See the following diagram from Sun:


which was taken from


.....also see Moazam Raja's explanation in the following blog entry:


I too have heard the explanation about the object heap needing to occupy a
contiguous block of memory, and that Windows is only able to meet that
requirement up to 2GB. Incidently, this is also why the /3GB flag is useless
on Windows at least as far as a jvm process is concerned. The thing is that
even with these restrictions I thought you could still get a jvm process
that was closer to 2GB, as opposed to the 1.6GB I'm seeing in my tests.
There is even a ColdFusion TechNote that suggests that the maximum value
should be more like 1.8GB (
http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19359). It turns
out that, if you dig a little deeper, the maximum contiguous memory block
you can get in Windows is actually a bit less than 2GB because of the way
some of the system DLLs are loaded, and the fact that Windows implements two
"standard" 64KB holes in the virtual address space, one at the bottom, and
another near the 2GB boundary.

I guess I'm beginning to answer my own question... Anybody else have any
additional thoughts on the matter?



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