> I'm wrong, I stand corrected.  I was just making a suggestion 
> based on my experience, and I'd hope that is allowed on this list.

Well, I have no say whatsoever about what's allowed on this list, any more
than you have. And I certainly have nothing against suggestions based on
experience. I was merely commenting on the increase in list noise in the
last few days, about OSs, editors, frameworks, etc; this isn't really
intended to be a personal criticism of you (or anyone else in particular)
but I had a useful response to this question, so this was a good a place as
any to comment.

But you do have to admit, many times on this very list you've provided your
feelings about Linux vs Windows; I seem to recall your self-description as a
"Linux snob". And there's nothing wrong with that. I agree with you that for
general server functionality, Linux is better than Windows, all other things
being equal. But this list covers a pretty specific topic - CF - and a
little evangelism about OT subjects goes a long way. A lot of people use
Windows because they have to, or because they're more comfortable with it,
or because that's what came on their shiny new Dell server, and "use Linux
instead" is not an appropriate answer for the vast majority of questions on
this list, in my opinion.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information!

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