Ciliotta, Mario wrote:
> Basically is there a way to determine what the native language is and then 
> have the html text of the page appear in that language.  I know that there 
> are internationalization routines in Java and i18n resources but I am unsure
>  how to use them correctly.

if you don't know anything about the user, except what their browser settings
are & where they are coming from, you can make a good guess (>90% right):

that will give you their locale, etc. after that depends on how i18n your app is
(which i'm guessing isn't--nobody talks about double-byte anything anymore, its
unicode or nothing, better go straighten out your db encoding). for instance,
using resourcebundles? in any case, displaying localized text isn't enough.
there's date/numeric/currency formatting, calendars (you can have a 
non-gregorian calendar for japan, there are several others in popular use 
today), timezones (oh boy, timezones), etc. some of which aren't a concern now 
(say like writing system directionality, LTR vs RTL) but probably will be.

as far as resources:
- get ben's advanced cf book, i have a chapter in there on g11n (globalization)
which should start you off on the right path.
- also read:
- my blog, the blogspot one is older
version which i keep for nostalgia
- pick up the i18n CFCs from
- have a look at brian rinadi's blog, he's working his way thru the 
globalization jig too:

> I am using BlueDragon of the this application so I hope that there is no 
> difference between it and CF.

there are enough, which is why i ignored this on the bluedragon list (and i'm on
vacation, more or less, we're celebrating thailand's King being on the throne
for 60 years since last friday). matt woodward & i are supposed to be making
some of the i18n CFCs compatible w/BD but its way way way on the back burner
(for me anyways, i'm sure matt lies awake at night over this).

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