Heh. Anyone else find it funny that big $$ are made off of data that should
be public domain?  I was stoked to see my state put it's GIS data online,
for free, as it should be.

Maybe things have changed, I haven't checked the new webservices offered
by UPS and such, but just getting zipcodes was a major pain in the buttox
like 5 years ago.  Like, one list of all of them? Niet! Had to scrape,

I'm liking the webservice idea for this type data. Kewl!

Yeah, you'd really want to use AJAX for those drill-down selects.
Many AJAX implementations have examples of how to do it...
scrip.tacu.lous (dots may be off) jumps to mind off hand...
I think.

Fun stuff,

On 6/26/06, Mike Tangorre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would check the UPS, FedEx, and USPS web sites for services they offer.
> If
> you do get your hands on such a database, please pass it along. :-)
> From: "Carlos A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I'm looking for a service that will provide a database containing
> 200-300
> > countries with a related table containing the major "states" (I know
> other
> > countries do not necessarily refer to them as states) for each country.
> > I've purchased the Globixdata product but it has just under 3 million
> > "states"! United States has over 180,000 "state" entries alone.

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