When u have pages that are likely to exceed the fusion reactor crash
protection or timeout values, you can exclude them so that don't get

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 July 2006 16:26
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Moving from CF Server Standalone to Multi Server ...

So after attending about 10 minutes of Dave Watt's coldfusion server
performance session on Saturday at CFUnited (sorry Dave, my wife showed up
15 minutes into the preso!), I've decided that running a multi-server setup
would be a Good Thing.

Currently, we have about 8 web sites running on a single instance of
Coldfusion.  The other day I was doing a bulk mailing to 15,000 alumni and
fusion reactor started killing off new threads due to "high server load" -
it was actually a memory thing I think.

Anyway, the idea of having my bulk mailings and other types of things that
can put unusual load on CF in their own instance so they don't affect normal
operation of the web site seemed like a good idea to me.


Are there any gotchyas when going from running coldfusion in standalone
server mode to multi-server operation?  We're talking about a single
physical box here, no clustering or anything like that...


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