Yea, I was just about to write in that using it that way works.

Thanks, everyone.

Matt Williams wrote:
> Did you try this?
> <cfset myVar = application.conference.GetConferences() />
> On 7/6/06, Crow T. Robot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually, all the CFC's are loaded into the application scope, which is
>> why the whole thing is confusing me.  In application.cfm, here is one
>> example of the code:
>> <!--- get conference CFC --->
>>         <cfset application.conference =
>> createObject("component","cfcs.conference").init(application.settings)>
>> So....maybe I'm missing a step in accessing it inside the users component?
>> Matt Williams wrote:
>>> Unless the Conferences component is in the session or application scope,
>>> you'll need to create an instance of the conferences.cfc before you can
>> call
>>> a method in it.
>>> <cfset Conferences = createObject('component','conferences') />
>>> <cfset myVar = GetConferences() />
>>> On 7/6/06, Crow T. Robot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Using Ray Camden's Galleon software, and I need to modify it a little.
>>>> I've got a user.cfc file that takes care of all user functions.  I have
>>>> another, conferences.cfc, that takes care of all conferences.  Now,
>>>> after a user is inserted using the addUser method inside users.cfc, I
>>>> have the need to call the GetConferences method that exists inside
>>>> conferences.cfc inside the addUser function so that I can subscribe the
>>>> user to all the conferences when they sign up.  However, before I can
>>>> get into that, I need to know why it seems like I am not able to call
>>>> the GetConferences() function from with the users.cfc.  I keep getting
>>>> undefined errors unless I copy the GetConferences function into the
>>>> users.cfc file.  After that, it works fine.
>>>> I'm quite new to the cfc thing, so any help in the underlying logic and
>>>> the "whys" of the above behavior would be great.
>>>> Thanks

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