I've noticed as I've gone thru various solutions to various problems that
have been posted online, that when you get their sample files, the <!DOCTYPE
changes a lot. Some people use HTML 4.01 Transitional, and some use strict
XHTML 1.0, or maybe 1.1, etc


I'm going to be honest, and admit that the types of applications I create
are really not "enterprise" applications, nor have I ever done anything that
sits behind any kind of corporate firewall, so my experience is really
limited to client-driven, advertising-related, consumer websites. As such,
I've really never strayed from Dreamweaver's default HMTL 4.01 transitional


What doctypes do others use, and is that a question that's a "framework
debate" all over again? Or are there very specific reasons you'd choose one
doctype over the other. Is there a decent tutorial on doctypes *from the CF
developer* perspective?

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