On 7/16/06, Andy Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe it's web services and cfdocument that break when you move to
> 1.5 - possibly Verity too.
> Out of interest, is CFLDAP still shaky with anything greater than
> 1.4.2_05??? I don't actually use it, so it's mainly out of curiosity.

Adobe has certified 1.4.2_05, 1.4.2_07, and 1.4.2_09. Interestingly,
_06 and _08 were skipped, so there might be some things in those
releases that broke some functionality. I also know that 1.4.2_10 on
Linux specifically fixed some longstanding intermittent hotspot
crashes, so if you're on that platform, you may want to try that
release out. The latest Sun JVM is for the 1.4.2 line is _12, and I've
put it on our internal staging server and it has been fine. That being
said, I don't have any apps using CFLDAP at the moment, though I'm
about to start on one in the coming weeks. I'll post back my findings
if you'd like.


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