Actually, I think a more fair way would be worst to best. That way, the
songs that have the least amount of points are seen first and may balance
out the people who don't want to scroll all the way down.

It should "auto-level" at some point I would think.

Original Message:
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 21:41:33 +0100
Subject: RE: Hey, does anyone have any ideas regarding a "top 40" voting

Well 40 items have to displayed in some order, so something is always gonna
be at the bottom. So alphabetical seems as fair a method as any.
You could have a 1-5 points systems allowing people to vote on any song they
like, and have another page that displays them in order of highest points.
You can then work out the mean average value based on the number of points
voted for each title.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 August 2006 21:26
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Hey, does anyone have any ideas regarding a "top 40" voting system?

I've been asked to help out a friend conceptually, but I'm not sure exactly
how to proceed. He wants to have a "top 40" voting system where they will
put 40 song titles up on a web page, and people will "vote" on them. 

Sounds pretty simple, but I'm not sure about what would be the best way. He
seems to be leaning toward "we'll put them on the site, and people will put
them in the order that they want them in" but that sounds kinda clumsy and
unwieldy. I can't see people having the patience to REALLY do that. What
about the ones near the bottom? Would people just get tired after about 20
of them and just submit? What would you do about ones that don't get "votes"
or aren't filled in? What order would you present the songs in? Alphabetical
seems the likely choice, but what about all the songs that begin with "W" or
"T" or the ones shoved to the bottom? Would the songs beginning with A
naturally gravitate to the top simply because of the way they're presented
to the user?

Do you see where I'm coming from? Has anyone ever built a voting tabulation
system to do something like this? 

I was leaning towards a "points system" where maybe people picked their top
ten songs, and they got a point value based on their ranking. 10 points for
first place, 9 for second, etc, and totaling up all the "scores" each song

I realize that a TRUE top 40 system is a system that rewards sales, and so
I'm struggling with how to rectify "voting" for something that would
normally be easily to tabulate.

Any suggestions, both from an interface standpoint, and the pure tabulations

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