This is the probably the tenth time I've tried to install CF on a  
mac.  Going back...oh, probably over a year or so.

I'm giving up. Seriously. I'm not a moron, and nothing should be this  
difficult. I've tried to read every piece of help, I've contacted  
people off list, and I've done just about everything that I could do  
to simply have a development edition of CF running on a Mac Laptop.   
I thought perhaps with this newfangled macbook pro and a self  
contained install file, it might work *this time* but no...not at  
all. No chance. Three attempts just today, under two different user  
accounts, both with full admin privileges, and

Seriously. I just give up. I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't  
really want anymore help. I just wanted to vent. If there's anyone  
from Macromedia, just know I've given up. I quit. No more.

This is what pure frustration looks like. I don't think I've ever  
been so *mad* at a piece of software in the 40 years I've been on  
earth. I can set this up to run in minutes on Windows, and I've done  
it probably a dozen times. I've been using CF for probably ten years  
or so, but this... this is the worst.

Dunno if this is the right place to post it, but there it is. I  
absolutely quit. I'm going to uninstall it and never try it again.  
It's pointless.  I have absolutely been beaten by this.

Just know that I looked at the entire Max agenda, and there's not a  
single class on installing and setting CF up on a Mac. That's  
ridiculous, as hard as this is. It really is....

Honestly, I'm not trolling, I'm not looking for flamewars, I'm not  
looking for help. I just wanted to post my frustration. That's all.  
Sometimes it helps to vent.

*beyond* frustrated

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