CF Eclipse doesn't require an install.  You just execute the exe.

Although that could have all kinds of policy repercussions I would imagine.

I'm surprised that NIH is that locked down.  The software is approved
throughout pretty much the entire federal government.  What is blocking you
from installing the extensions?  Can't you just run the built in extension

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Everett, Al (NIH/NIGMS) [C] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:03 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: ColdFusion extensions for Dreamweaver MX 2004 - non-administrator
> I work in a locked-down environment. I cannot install software myself
> nor choose different tools to use.
> We're using CFMX 7, so naturally I want the extensions for Dreamweaver
> MX 2004.
> I cannot install them as I do not have administrative rights to my
> machine. One of the tech guys can install it as an administrator but
> it's only installed for that user account and doesn't work for me.
> I've not found anything in the Adobe knowledgebase yet. Any ideas?
> No, I cannot use CFEclipse. No, I cannot get administrative rights to my
> machine. Yes, Dreamweaver 8 may be an option, but that's a whole other
> request process and who-knows-how-long a wait.

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