Yep, some of us New Atlantans are indeed here, Eric.  Posting here certainly
works.  That said, Jim is correct that posting on the BlueDragon Interest
list is apt to get you the quickest response to such a question.

So anyway--are you saying you're squared away now?  Still need that web
service?  I don't know that I have anything for you but I'm also not sure I
completely follow what you need it to do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Dawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: BlueDragon no seeing IIS on W2K3

Yeah I thought I would try here first. I just unsubscribed from the New
Atlanta list, ironically.

....But I did find a post from Charlie stating, paraphrased with artistic
license, "Who Cares". BD works fine from IIS without BD seeing IIS.

I did a test that failed, which made me think the connection wasn't working.
my bad. It really was working.

I think some of the New Atlanta techs are here also, but I could be wrong.

thanks for the advice.

Take Care,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 16, 2006 9:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: BlueDragon no seeing IIS on W2K3

On 8/16/06, Eric Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> installing BlueDragon 6.21/302 on W2K3 and for some reason it isn't 
> seeing IIS to install the adapter. Oddly enough this is a reinstall, 
> where it recognized IIS originally. Thoughts?
> There was an issue previously where you needed to create a scripts 
> folder, but I thought that was resolved.
> Also looking for a good sample CFC/Web Service for BlueDragon - WDDX 
> access some functionality on third party sites. If there are any good 
> examples out there let me know.
> Eric


While you may get a good answer to your question here, it would be more
appropriate for  the BlueDragon list run by New Atlanta.  You'll see a lot
of the same faces over there, with the addition of some of the New Atlanta

Jim Wright
Wright Business Solutions

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