It sure sounds like you need a socket with a listener. I would find an
example already
on the web and use that or add a request for CF 8 to add a feature to tags
which allows
for internal objects to be extended <cfquery name="hello" extended="">

Override addlisterner() method.

On 8/16/06, powell @ nauticom. net powell @ nauticom. net <
> I'm trying to automate some of an application's database maintentance
> tasks via a CF script that will check to see if it's time for a defrag,
> index rebuild, etc.  I know that I can put a DBCC statement in a CFQUERY,
> but what's got me scrambling is how to retrieve any output that the DBCC
> might generate. If I feed CFQUERY something like
>    DBCC SHOWCONTIG ('activitylog')
> I'd like to be able to get at the 10 or so lines of of output that it
> would normally generate interactively.  But no result set is even created by
> such a query, and I cannot see how to get to the data.  I've tried
> variations of EXECUTE and subqueries, all with no luck.  Is this an
> impossible dream?
> thanks
> Reed

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