I think the key is well-rounded.... Most of us cannot just know CF... We
have to know HTML, css, javascript... We have to know how to cut up images
and make templates. 

One of the things I like to do in an interview is ask the interviewee what
they love most about ColdFusion. Most people, in my experience, will just
tell you that they love the easy of development. But the second you get
someone who gets all gushy about how awesome query of queries is or how
useful it is that CF is built on top of Java, these should be flags that
this person knows there stuff. 

That's how I *find* good programms... As far as who are the best one's out
there??? Just take a look at the the peole on Fullasagood.com or
feed-squirrel.com... There are a lot of regulars that post about frameworks,
OOP, and real architecture type stuff that is, IMO, way beyond the level
that most of us function at ( I won't list names cause I don't want to leave
anyone out ). 

Ben Nadel 
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Block, Jon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Top 100 ColdFusion Programmers

When hiring, it would be helpful to know who out there is the best. When I
run ads, I get all types of Yahoo's who think they know ColdFusion.
I'd like to be able to see who are the very best ColdFusion coders out there
and try to steal one of them for my company. How do you guys find the
absolute best coders when hiring?

If you want to put comments on my blog, that'd be nice.

(ps - if you are a recruiter, DO NOT contact me)

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