> Charles Sheehan-Miles wrote:
> > I have application.cfc, with the following beginning:
> >
> > <cfcomponent output="false">
> > 
> > <!--- App Start --->
> > <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returntype="boolean" 
> output="false">
> >   <cfquery name="rsOrganization" datasource="hosting">
> >     select top 1 * from rsOrganization where OrgServername ='#CGI.
> server_name#'
> >   </cfquery>
> >
> >   <cfset this.name = "#rsorganization.orgname#_root">
> How is this supposed to work. You are running the onApplicationStart 
> method before the application has a name? How should ColdFusion know 
> which application to start or whether the application has already 
> started?
Yes -- I take it I can't do that? Can I run the query outside of a function in 
the app initialization?  The appname is set by the database query.  I'll try it 
that way and see what happens.

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