This may be a shot in the dark, but why is the "this" scoped variables
created during the application start?  Since these are more global
considerations, shouldn't they be put between the <cfcomponent> tag and the
first method?  Have you tried that?  I saw that you alluded to it.


<cfset this.whatever = soemthing>

<cffunction name="">


On 8/25/06, Charles Sheehan-Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I'm not sure I get you. Are you saying that when you run /index.cfm,
> >variables aren't set, but when you do /index.cfm?kill=1, they are? How
> >are you testing to see if the variables are there?
> >
> >On 8/25/06, Charles Sheehan-Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> Yes, that's exactly it.  I'm doing a cfdump of the application and
> variables scope in onRequestEnd.  If  I call the page normally: /index.cfm
> -- it hasn't set any of the variables.
> If I call the page with the ?kill=1, it calls on OnApplicationStart and
> sets those variables.  It's a little bizarre.
> Could it be because my initialization code -- including the application
> name -- is not set _outside_ the functions, but in the OnAppstart
> function?  The appname is actually set by a database variable, so I assume I
> have to do it that way.  Hmm.

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