Likewise, I'm just talking horses for courses. Our DB infrastructure
is used across:

1) Our entire web apps environment, which hosts hundreds of CF sites
2) Our Student (hundreds of thousands of people), Staff (thousands of
people) and Finance (billions of dollars of transactions) systems.
3) Various other systems as necessary (e.g. GIS research, employing
Oracle's spatial tools)

As for my web apps; for example, I use Oracle for all of our full-text
indexing (instead of Verity), because I can mix fully featured queries
(e.g. for security roles) with complex search results (like search
context highlighted return text) all in the one query. It also means
that the search collection is in the same place as the data, so we can
have two CF servers in front of the DB without worrying about how to
keep a collection in sync.

On 8/29/06, Denny Valliant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd be interested to hear what kinds of things you're utilizing that heavy
> metal for, James.  Are you doing standard PL/SQL stuff that is plain
> old Oracle centric, or things that are only useful when you've got that
> level of power behind them?  I'm spacing some of my "wow, that's how
> hotmail does it?!?"-type memories.  And probably asking from lack
> thereof. :-)
> Again, I too have really enjoyed this thread, and didn't mean to put
> any emotional spin on it.  Injecting ideas was more my aim, but I'm
> not a stellar convey-er-of-whatever-it-is-through-typing.  Too emotional,
> come off as being personal vs. logical... yeesh!  :-)

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