Hi, Denny...an interesting sounding solution...I assume you used
something like WordPad to create the RTF with bogus addresses.

How did you go about the search and replace for the label contents?

Did you use common placeholders in the RTF for the field data, such as:

City, State ZipCode

And then just replace "Name" with Query.Name and "Street_Address" with
Query.StreetAddress, etc.?

I haven't tried running a search and replace using CF on an RTF doc...I'll
have to check into that, too.

Since, I'm still using 4.5, I'm not picking about the solution, long as I
have one.

Thanks for the help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Denny Valliant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 10:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Method for printing labels from browser?

I took the cheap and easy way out...

I created a 100 page sheet of labels, saved it as an RTF, and did a search
and replace for the label contents.

Not a pretty solution, requires the user to trim it prior to printing...

Other than hand-crafting an RTF... well, there's always CSS.

I even think there's a tag at cflib that uses CSS.  Did you see that one?

That's all I can think of besides back-porting the other tag...

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