I use this custom tag at the top of every page in my site [attached].

Then, all you do is to code the URL so that it references a path such as one
you've coded. You can use name/value pairs just like a normal URL variable:


becomes this:

And that custom tag converts 1d/27 to id=27.

You can also have multiple name/value pairs like so:


You'd have to code in the ability to replace spaces with underscores or
dashes as you prefer it.

andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 10:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Permalink?

> Right now, we have different "gateway" templates for each major data
> section.
> Due to our publishing schedule and users understanding, we are using:
> /articles.htm/2006/08/22/pacesetters-for-aug-22
> an individual story (the end part is the title, minus all special
> chars, with spaces replaced with -)

See, this is what I think I'm missing, are you actually creating pages?

Like, how does Forta do this?

Do you store that title (Check-Out-The-Adobe-Race-Car) in the database? Is
that created when the post is created?

I have to admit, I'm only really trying to figure it out to satisfy my own
curiosity. I don't blog, and really don't have an insterest in blogging, but
I'm curious as to how the dynamic entries are turned into permalinks. It
seems pretty cool. I'd like to try it for clients who have "news" pages and

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