There is only the articles.htm file on disk.

The rest of the url is just ignored by iis to serve the page,
articles.htm. the articles.htm file grabs the rest of the url (in a
cfc for that purpose), looks up the needed article, and then either
displays it, asks for login (if sub-only), or starts a 404/page not
found or 301/page moved search.

In order to get it to work, I had to adjust the web.xml file in your
mx folder under wwwroot\web-inf

(Of course, to get .htm files handled by cf (bad, I know, but needed
in our environment), I also had to adjust IIS to have cf handle .htm

To get .cfm files to handle this URL structure:

        <servlet-mapping id="macromedia_mapping_7">

I've done the same for .htm and for .rss, both of which are handled
and generated by coldfusion, and both supporting this url structure.

As for the modified "permalink" title, yes, I store it as a separate
field from the article title in the db. This allows our editors to
change the name as they will, before it goes live the first time. Once
it goes live for the first time, it is "permanent", and they can no
longer change the permalink title (although they CAN change the
article title itself). If they need to change the permalink title,
that is considered a "new" article, and we generate a "fork", disable
the old page and have it throw a 301 redirect to the new page from
then on.

Does this help at all?

On 9/22/06, Jeff Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Right now, we have different "gateway" templates for each major data
> > section.
> >
> > Due to our publishing schedule and users understanding, we are using:
> >
> > /articles.htm/2006/08/22/pacesetters-for-aug-22
> > an individual story (the end part is the title, minus all special
> > chars, with spaces replaced with -)
> See, this is what I think I'm missing, are you actually creating pages?
> Like, how does Forta do this?
> Do you store that title (Check-Out-The-Adobe-Race-Car) in the database? Is
> that created when the post is created?
> I have to admit, I'm only really trying to figure it out to satisfy my own
> curiosity. I don't blog, and really don't have an insterest in blogging, but
> I'm curious as to how the dynamic entries are turned into permalinks. It
> seems pretty cool. I'd like to try it for clients who have "news" pages and
> whatnot.

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