I need some guidance.  I am using a udf written by Chris wigginton and I can't 
get it to work.  Here is my code.  Any help or guidance is greatly appreciate.

<cfcase value="Add to Outlook">

 * Produces output used by the vCalendar standard for PIM's (such as Outlook).
 * There are other tags available such as (CF_AdvancedEmail) that will support 
multi-part mime encoding where the text of the attachment can be imbeded right 
into the email
 * @param stEvent        Structure containg the key/value pairs comprising the 
vCalendar data.  Keys are shown below: 
 * @param stEvent.description    Description for the event. 
 * @param stEvent.subject        Subject of the event. 
 * @param stEvent.location       Location for the event. 
 * @param stEvent.startTime      Event's start time in GMT. 
 * @param stEvent.endTime        Event's end time in GMT. 
 * @param stEvent.priority       Numeric priority for the event (1,2,3). 
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Chris Wigginton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 * @version 1.1, April 10, 2002 
function vCal(stEvent)

        var description = "";
        var vCal = "";
        var CRLF=chr(13)&chr(10);
        if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.startTime"))
                stEvent.startTime = DateConvert('local2Utc', Now());
        if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.endTime"))
                stEvent.endTime = DateConvert('local2Utc', Now());
        if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.location"))
                stEvent.location = "N/A";
        if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.subject"))
                stEvent.subject = "Auto vCalendar Generated";
        if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.description"))
                stEvent.description = "Autobot VCalendar Generated";
        if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.priority"))
                stEvent.priority = "1";

        vCal = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//OutlookMIMEDIR//EN" & 
        vCal = vCal & "VERSION:1.0" & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "BEGIN:VEVENT" & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "DTSTART:" & 
                        DateFormat(stEvent.startTime,"yyyymmdd") & "T" & 
                        TimeFormat(stEvent.startTime, "HHmmss") & "Z" & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "DTEND:" & DateFormat(stEvent.endTime, "yyyymmdd") & "T" 
                        TimeFormat(stEvent.endTime, "HHmmss") & "Z" & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "LOCATION:" & stEvent.location & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:" & stEvent.subject & 
        // Convert CF_CRLF (13_10) into =0D=0A with CR/LF and indent sequences
        description = REReplace(stEvent.description,"[#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#]", 
"=0D=0A=#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#     ", "ALL");
        vCal = vCal & description & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "PRIORITY:" & stEvent.priority & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "END:VEVENT" & CRLF;
        vCal = vCal & "END:VCALENDAR" & CRLF;   
        return vCal;
                stEvent = structnew();
                stEvent.description = '#qForApptInfo.Appttype#';
                stEvent.subject = 'Apointment with #qForApptInfo.Company#';
                stEvent.location = '#qForApptInfo.Location#';
                stEvent.startTime = '#Dateformat(qForApptInfo.ApptDate, 'mmmm 
dd,yyyy') & Timeformat(qForApptInfo.apptTime, 'hh:mm tt')#';
                stevent.endtime = '#Dateformat(qForApptInfo.ApptDate, 'mmmm 
dd,yyyy') & Timeformat(qForApptInfo.apptTime, 'hh:mm tt')#';
                vCalOutput = vCal(stEvent);

<cffile action="write" file="C:/file.vcs" nameconflict="makeunique" 
output="#vCalOutput#" mode="777" />


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