Interesting... I just clicked on the link and it DID redirect me. But,
when I clicked on it a second time, I got the target page. Perhaps there
is something that it is checking regarding SESSION that is forcing
people back? I would check session info??? 

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Virginia Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 2:30 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: URL Parameters Ignored

Problem - user trys to follow a link to a URL that has a parameter, the
page may "flash" for a second and then the browser routes the user back
to any part of the URL string that does not contain a parameter.   For
instance, after clicking a link for, the user
will get routed back to

This problem happens with only a small percentage of users.  I can not
duplicate the problem, but I have had several reports of this issue.  Of
those that I spoke with personally, they all are using Firefox, but I
can not be sure that is true in all cases.

Our site is MX 7, and we use the Fusebox 3.0 framework (moving to 4 or 5
is not possible at this time - managment reasons).

You might note the one person I was able to work with was able to get to
..asp pages with url parameters, but he had problems navigating the site.  

I would appreciate ANY ideas, suggestions, or help!!


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