I got the redirect on both FF and IE, the first time I landed there.

How are you converting "fa" in the query string into "fuseaction"?  If 
you're doing an isapi or mod rewrite you might want to look there.  If 
you're not doing a rewrite, then you're experiencing the default behavior 
for Fusebox when the query string is malformed (it needs that "fuseaction" 
in the query string either directly or via rewrite.)

-- Josh

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Virginia Neal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: URL Parameters Ignored

> Problem - user trys to follow a link to a URL that has a parameter, the 
> page may "flash" for a second and then the browser routes the user back to 
> any part of the URL string that does not contain a parameter.   For 
> instance, after clicking a link for 
> http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm?fa=opinions.recent, the user 
> will get routed back to http://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/index.cfm.
> This problem happens with only a small percentage of users.  I can not 
> duplicate the problem, but I have had several reports of this issue.  Of 
> those that I spoke with personally, they all are using Firefox, but I can 
> not be sure that is true in all cases.
> Our site is MX 7, and we use the Fusebox 3.0 framework (moving to 4 or 5 
> is not possible at this time - managment reasons).
> You might note the one person I was able to work with was able to get to 
> .asp pages with url parameters, but he had problems navigating the 
> fusebox.org site.
> I would appreciate ANY ideas, suggestions, or help!!
> Thanks

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