
I saw you got the bug fix in another reply.  I'm not sure there is a  
fix for the tags themselves, but have you tried using CSS styles in  
place of the tags?

I have a client that runs almost exclusively on SUSE boxes and the  
cfdocument work I've done has all been CSS-based.  I've had no  
problems with  any display issues other than a default font-size  
difference from my own development machines.

<u></u>= <span style="text-decoration: underline"></span>.

I know it's not a straight fix, but at least it will get the display  
looking right.


On Oct 6, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Brad Wood wrote:

> Anybody???
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Wood
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 10:49 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: cfdocument underline in Linux
> Well, I guess I am not going to get any more help with my
> cfdocument/PDF/Linux bug I have exampled here
> Does anyone know if Adobe publishes their bug reports so I can search
> and see if there is one entered already, and what the status is?
> How can I enter my own bug report?
> Thanks!
> ~Brad
> ******************
> We are experiencing a handful of anomalies with the cfdocument tag  
> when
> generating PDF's.
> *One* of which is that text surrounded by <u> </u> exhibits strange
> behavior such as extra spaces (which are underlined) magically  
> appearing
> before and or after the text.
> Example <u>test</u> would have extra "______" at the end of it--
> sometimes all the way to the end of the page.
> About the only info I could find on the net was an unanswered  
> comment on
> the Adobe Livedocs, and this unresolved Experts Exchange article:
> Q_21619446
> ...html
>  The above article seems to agree that the problem is limited to  
> Linux,
> but nobody knows why it happens.  We are using CF 7.0.2.
>  I have run 4 tests.
> a) PDF Generation using cfdocument on a Windows server using CF 7.0.2
> b) FlashPaper Generation using cfdocument on a Windows server using CF
> 7.0.2
> c) PDF Generation using cfdocument on a Liniux server using CF 7.0.2
> d) FlashPaper Generation using cfdocument on a Liniux server using CF
> 7.0.2
> a) Works!  51 KB File
> b) Works!  57 KB File
> c) Broken! 2 KB File!!!!!!
> d) Works! 56 KB File
> The problem does in fact seem to be limited to PDF files on Linux
> servers.
> And why the heck is the file so small???
> All of these test files are available for you to view at
>  Please check them out to prove  
> I'm not
> completely insane.
> If anybody out there heard of this, experienced this, works for iText
> and personally wants to fix this, or just want to lend moral  
> support, I
> would love to hear from you.  ?
> Thanks.
>  ~Brad

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