I think the suggestion to just download 1.4.2 is the best solution 
unless you have some very intense things to do with Java.

Ben Nadel wrote:
> Jake, that IS my constructor code... I was just making a not to myself
> that that is where it goes. I am big found of think out loud (no paper).
> Thanks for the tip about String. I am just trying to avoid using any
> IMPORT directives at first. 
> I am looking at downloading this:
> http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=22&PartDetailId=
> j2sdk-1.4.2_12-oth-JPR&SiteId=JSC&TransactionId=noreg
> Any one know if this will compile correctly for CFMX 7?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> ......................
> Ben Nadel
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> www.bennadel.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jake Churchill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 10:58 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Compiling Java / Error
> What version of the SDK did you download?  The lastest is either 5.0 or
> possibly 6.  If I recall, ColdFusion currently supports 1.4.2 which is
> the equivalent of 4.2.  FYI, you don't need java.lang.String.  Just
> String.  java.lang is a package which is included by default in EVERY
> class without explicitely naming it.  The only time you would need it is
> if you wrote your own String class inside the same package or folder,
> then you'd have to specify java.lang.  Out of curiosity, what is your
> constructor code?  You don't really need constructor code here because
> your not building anything.  You need the constructor unless you make
> the SayHello() method static, but you don't need any code inside it (I
> don't think)
> Ben Nadel wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I am trying to experiment with Java and am off to a rocky start. I 
>> downloaded the latest SDK from Sun and was able compile a simple 
>> HelloWorld class:
>> public class HelloWorld {
>>  public HelloWorld(){
>>   // Constructor code.
>>  }
>>  public java.lang.String SayHello(){
>>   return( "Hello You Beautiful World, You!" );  }
>> }
>> Compiles fine. But then, I went to try it in a URL class loader in 
>> ColdFusion and I get this error:
>>     HelloWorld (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) null
>> >From my Googleing it looks like the SDK java version is different 
>>> than
>> the java persion on our local J2EE server (i am compilling on my local
>> harddrive). Any suggestions? It seems like such a simple class.
>> Thanks,
>> Ben
>> ......................
>> Ben Nadel
>> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer www.bennadel.com

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