I wrote some Java Regular Expression get functions for this very

Case Insensitive:

Case Sesnsitive:

Keep in mind that these are JAVA regular expressions, so slight
differences in power... But for basic stuff, should all be the same.
Both functions will return an array of the matches.

Download the pages (the given link will provide downloads) to see

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Millisa Eubanks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:22 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Extracting Data into an Array

I'm trying to find a simple way to go though a block of text and pull
out any occurace of links in that block of text.  I'm not sure if the
problems I'm having are based on the function I am using or the reqular
expression.  Currently I am using REFind("<a
[[:space:]*[:punct:]*[:alnum:]*]>", qLinkReview.TextBlock) where
qLinkReview.TextBlock is the block of text that I retreived from the
database.  The only result I am getting is 0 but I know that all of the
text blocks I am looking at have at least one link occurance.  

Once I am able to identify the links I am going to need to pull them out
and put them into an array for evaluation and possible display.  I have
no idea about how to go about this.  I would be greatful for any help I
can get.  Also, if possible could you include explinations with any code
so that I can learn something in the process.  Thanks!

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